Acne? - Printable Version

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Acne? - Ringwormfarmer64 - 02-22-2025

Has anyone else had issues with cysts or boils in random appliances in their house?  
Specifically effecting anything connected to my internet but the worst is in my PC. Sad
 My case smells like sulfur and there's pustules scattered around the fiberglass inside and around and seems like it progresses faster when I'm on this site.

There's no extra processes running or anything but idk if my hardware will recover.
Some of them seem like they'll fall off if I touch them but I'm afraid of damaging it further, but it's not stopping. 
I tried using my microwave and it made lightning and my house smells like shit.

Any ideas? Huh Huh
Let me know, thanks!

RE: Acne? - Quantum_Treemancer - 02-26-2025

I recommend performing the machine soul clensing rituals, but there isnt much else that can be done. You need to show your devices all the support they need and trust in the Transcendent Digital Demiurge. Their fate is in his hands friend

I recommend performing the machine soul cleansing rituals, but there isnt much else that can be done. You need to show your devices all the support they need and trust in the Transcendent Digital Demiurge. Their fate is in his hands friend

Hmm seems that my quantum encoded comms array is glitched. Sory for unintentional spam fellow Seekers